
Sleep | Best Way To Get Sleep Well
If you have a newborn, a demanding job with crazy hours, or a houseful of children, you've probably joked, "What is sleep?" whenever the topic arises. It may induce a chuckle but the truth is that getting adequate sleep is vital to the rest of your health. What difference does it make if you lose a little sleep - how important can it be? What is sleep for anyway?
Sleep is necessary because it gives your body and mind a chance to recoup. Getting rest is the body's only chance to reenergize for another day of your life.
When you deprive your body of sleep you will suffer from more than just sleepiness. A lack of sleep inevitably weakens your immune system, making it susceptible to things like the common cold and flu as well as other undesirable afflictions and diseases.
The drowsiness that comes from being sleep deprived also hinders daily life. If you are going to make sacrifices in life, make the right ones. Instead of sacrificing sleep you might sacrifice that hour you spend watching The Bachelor. Quite simply, sleep is a vital part of you and your body's ability to function productively. Without adequate levels of quality sleep, everything from our reaction times and mental capacity to our overall health and well-being are negatively affected.
Enabling your body to reenergize sufficiently will improve your output, help safeguard against sickness, and contribute to your overall wellbeing. You'll soon begin to realize the benefits rather than sarcastically asking your sleep deprived co-workers, "What is sleep?"
Reese Richards is a former sleep apnea sufferer and chronic snorer. After researching sleep strategies for more than a decade, he has perfected his own personal sleep recipe and now helps others get the sleep they deserve. Get tips and strategies on how to fall asleep in his 55-page sleep ebook called Get to Sleep Now!
Sleep - are you getting enough? People need more or less sleep at different phases in their life. Women may need more or less sleep at different phases of the month.
1. Music without words - words can provoke and direct your thoughts more than instrumental music or pure vocal sounds.
Magazines or stories that distract you from your own life may help you to drift into sleep.
2. Imagery - If you find that your mind is racing when you are trying to sleep, picture a viewpoint where you're traveling down a road. Concentrate on letting them pass right by.
3. Take a nap - If your sleep has been interrupted or there've been unavoidable late nights, an afternoon nap can help you catch up. 8. Lavender Bath - Take a hot bath and add a couple of drops of lavender oil. Lavender has naturally occurring relaxing properties.
4. Chamomile Tea - Calms the nervous system and helps to promote restful sleep.
5. Take 500 mg Calcium with 250 mg Magnesium at bedtime - The calcium has a calming effect, and the magnesium works along with it.
If you suspect you have a serious sleeping problem such as sleep apnea, or if you experience insomnia or extreme fatigue, please consult a healthcare professional.

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